Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Cell Phone Use in Schools - 1094 Words
Cell Phone Use in Schools The use of cell phones in school is a controversial subject. There is a definite defining line between administration on one side and students on the other. The amazing thing about cell phones is that they are no longer just used for calling or texting. They have become an essential multi-tool wonder. Today’s cell phone is cutting-edge technology at your fingertips. While students do understand the apprehension of faculty to allow cells phone use school, we too have reasons why the use of cell phones in school can be a positive thing. I believe students should not just be permitted to use cell phones; they should be required to use them. Cell phones don’t just allow students to stay connected with family and†¦show more content†¦With the use of cell phones in school, Schools would save a tremendous amount of money on textbooks. Just think about how many books are shoved in students’ lockers and book bags. Those books cost between 50 and 200 dollars and students are treating them like nothing. Around 98% of high school students own cell phones. If we replaced using textbooks with cellphones, our school would save thousands of dollars. This could go to more important things to make our school a better place. As you can see, if we used our cell phones in class rather than textbooks, our school could save a lot of money. Lastly, if we use our cell phones in school we would, of course, have to use them under certain restrictions. One of the main reasons administrators and faculty don’t approve of cell phone use in school is because they are afraid of cheating during tests. They are also afraid of distractions during lessons and when it’s time to work on worksheets and homework. We would obviously have to keep our cell phones away during these times. We would also have to keep them on silent or vibrate so that our cell phones don’t annoy or distract other students. But don’t worry; this doesn’t cut out all of our cell phone use time! If we use our cell phones in school, we would able to use them at lunch, break, and any free time during class. In conclusion, people who oppose the use of cell phones in school do it because of the disruptions and distractions cellShow MoreRelatedUse Of Cell Phones During School Schools866 Words  | 4 Pagescommonly by having a cell phone. Cell phones have developed profoundly throughout the generations. They can be used for a variety of thing from business to education or simply for recreational use. As well as, in cases of an emergency. The use of cell phones by students should be allowed in school despite what schools agree with. With the proper guidelines, student should be able to use their phones by which will also respecting the school’s rules and restrictions for their use. If we are preparingRead MoreShould Students Use Cell Phones? School?1310 Words  | 6 Pageswithout a cell phone? These days cell phones have more features other than texting or calling. They now have touch screens and cool tools. Some phones, such as the iPhone, can tell you the weather, stock prices, where you are at, and it is even voice activated! Today s cell phone is cutting-edge technology at your fingertips. With this being said, should students be allowed to have or use cell phones in school? I think that not only students should be allowed to use them, but required to use them. Read MoreShould Cell Phone Use Be Allowed in Schools?986 Words  | 4 Pagesit is omnipresent throughout our entire lives and we use multiple forms of it everyday. In schools, an area of increasing debate and discussion has been student cell phone use. Are they helpful or useless? Should they be allowed or not? No school has really found the answer to these questions yet. Many believe that phones are just too distracting for students, but on the contrary, cellphones are beneficial to students if not the entire school when used in agreement with the school’s technology policiesRead MoreEssay on Cell Phone Use in Schools Should Not be Banned1401 Words  | 6 Pagesstudents be able to use cell phones during class periods? This is a question a lot of students and parents have asked themselves. The invention of cell phones started a debate for many schools. Many schools accept the use of cell phones but experience a lot of frustration over them. There are many reasons fo r and against the use of cell phones in schools. People who support cell phone use in schools are usually teenagers. People who disagree with cell phone use in schools are usually teachersRead MoreFarmington High School Students Negative Cell Phone Use Essay689 Words  | 3 Pages When was the last time you saw a teenager without their cell phone? They may forget their lunch money or their homework, but they dont leave home without their phones. Farmington High School students are no different than teens at other schools. For many Farmington students their cell phone use can have a negative impact on their school work. Studies have shown that students may be paying more attention to their phones than they are to their class work. Often during class, a student will beRead MoreEssay on should students be allowed to use cell phones in school1043 Words  | 5 Pages Mount Vernon School Room 218 Persuasive Essay / Cellular Telephone Cell Phones: Many American youth now have cell phones that they carry with them everywhere .Should cell phones be allowed at school ?Many teachers and students claim that phones are distracting while many parents and students insist that phones are necessary. Write a persuasive essay explaining your position onRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effect On Our Human Interaction1204 Words  | 5 Pageslive off of cell phones, it is considered a necessity of life. By 2015, it is estimated that Americans will consume both traditional and digital media for over 1.7 trillion hours, an average of approximately 15 and a half hours per person per day (Short). Is it good or bad for schools to allow students to have cell phones? The latest Teens and Technology 2013 study, from Pew Research, found that 78 percent of teens aged 12 – 17 own a cell phone (Haselton). However, a Worcester School committee memberRead MoreCell Phones Persuasive Essay813 Words  | 4 Pages Cell phones have becom e a major part of peoples lives and in modern society. Cell phones are current in society, adults to small children have cell phones. A debate on cell phones in school is occurring more and more. Do students deserve to have their cell phones for use during instruction time or school hours? Research states that cell phones are no benefit to students in school. Others claim to state that cell phones are in fact, beneficial to students and will not damage the learning environmentRead MoreCell Phones Should Not Be Banned910 Words  | 4 PagesCell Phones Should be Allowed in School Seventy eight percent of 12-17 years old have cell phones as of a survey taken in 2013. Cell phones have boomed and its time to let them shine. Cell phones becoming a major part of peoples life’s. Cell phones are welcomed every where this days. There allowed in restaurants and hospitals, but one place they are not welcome are schools. Cell phones should allowed in schools. Cell phones are used by around third of the population. With teenagers being a very bigRead MoreCell Phones Should Be Banned in Schools Essay527 Words  | 3 PagesPeople in many schools regularly sneak around on their cell phones, trying to hide them from teachers or administrators. Cell phones were originally against school rules. Honestly it makes a lot of since for students not to be able to use their cell phones during school hours. Cell phones should be banned in schools because they distract students, allow cheating in Schools, and they can be dangerous. Cell phones distract students in school. Whenever people text in class it gets other people’s
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Colonization Of Native Americans - 1377 Words
22,000 years ago the first people set foot in the Americas, and it is not until 1492 that the â€Å"first people†make their way as well. The Europeans walked in and saw the Natives as the wildlife of the region and considered themselves the founders, and the Native Americans were heavily influenced and conflicted with the tidal wave of European colonization. Following the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492, colonization of Native American territory began. Afterwards, life for Native Americans became rather harsh, and genocide is an accurate term to describe this event. Their population dropped and displaced severely over the next couple centuries for various reasons such as conflict, disease, and relocation. Native Americans were treated as foreigners on their own homefront, and those that were spared from enslavement and death were forced to relocate. All in all, Europeans had a devastating impact on Native Americans from the moment they arrived. The beginning of European influence started in 1942 when Christopher Columbus landed in the Caribbean. Columbus was the force that sent everything in motion that eventually eradicated the Native American lifestyle. He is accredited the honor of being the one to discover America, but his story is generally sugarcoated. Honestly, Columbus was the first one to start chipping away at what the Native Americans had. The first people that Columbus encountered, the Taino, actually greeted him with the utmost generosity, but he actuallyShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of North American Colonization On Native Americans909 Words  | 4 Pagesto the last established colony in 1733, differences in each colony was evident due to the different beliefs of conduct in colonization and government. All of the colonies, however, faced unbelievable difficulties upon collaborating with Native Americans, some much severe than others. Furthermore, the impact of North American colonization affected not only Brit ain and the Natives, but all of Europe as well. Jamestown, Virginia settled in 1607 with the ambition of extracting wealth form the land, whetherRead MoreEssay on The Effects of Colonization on the Native Americans539 Words  | 3 PagesThe Effects of Colonization on the Native Americans Native Americans had inherited the land now called America and eventually their lives were destroyed due to European Colonization. When the Europeans arrived and settled, they changed the Native American way of life for the worst. These changes were caused by a number of factors including disease, loss of land, attempts to export religion, and laws, which violated Native American culture. Native Americans never came in contactRead MoreNative Americans During The Colonization1473 Words  | 6 PagesNative Americans during 1785-1829 were affected by western expansion because of the removal of Native Americans from the land, white settlers attempting to assimilate Native Americans to their culture, and were involved in battles between the a Native Americans and white setters which led to the depleting number of Native Americans. Distorted perspectives of european settlers led them to view Native Americans as â€Å"uncivilized savages.†As the Renaissance reached its ending term Europeans saw theirRead MoreEuropean Colonization Of Europeans And Native Americans1503 Words  | 7 Pagesbetween Europeans and Native Americans led to a demographic calamity. The earliest explorations from European countries introduced a plethora of diseases; these diseases hindered the Native’s population and way of life. Not only early explorations of European countries impacted the indigenous people, but the settlement and encounters with Europeans in the twentieth century did as well. Before Europeans voyaged to the New World, the lands were occupied by Native Americans for thousands of yearsRead MoreNative Americans During European Colonization1371 Words  | 6 Pages Native Americans, the people who were not supposed to survive the settlement of Europeans, have lived long and strong, but it is not to say it was has been without struggle (â€Å"A Brief History†2006). â€Å"No other group, however, faced problems more severe than the Native Americans†(â€Å"Digital†2014). Struggling to keep control of their sacred land, provide an education for their children, and practice their language, beliefs, and traditions in silence was the typical life of the Native American peopleRead MoreNative Americans During The Colonization Of Early America855 Words  | 4 Pagesto the American continent, contact with the Native Americans who were already living there was inevitable. In the colonization of early America, the various groups of European settlers: the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch each had unique experiences with, and therefore individual opinions of the Native Americans whom they interacted. Each of these nations also shared commonalties in their colonization processes and in how they viewed Native Americans. Furthermore, the Native Americans held differingRead MoreThe Teaching Of Native American History And The Colonization Of America1406 Words  | 6 Pages The teaching of Native American history and the colonization of America is often misconstrued, with the complete, and â€Å"actual†, story almost always being concealed behind the bare minimum of historical evidence. For a country more concerned with impartialness now than ever, the truth about past relations with Native Americans should be a key component in the education of students across the nation. The realization and acceptance of this nation’s disreputable past involving indigenous people, thoughRead MoreEuropean Colonization : Christopher Columbus And Native Americans Essay1127 Words  | 5 Pagesthe mines†(Effects of European Colonization: Christopher Columbus and Native Americans). This was primarily due to European domesticated animals such as: pigs, sheep, horses, cows, and goats. To create a great epidemic of diseases America had never witnessed before. Horrible diseases which the ingenious population had no immunity for, smallpox, typhus, influen ce, diphtheria, and measles. â€Å"Modern historians commonly accept that around 90% of all Native Americans died as a result of contact withRead MoreNative American Gangs During European Colonization1960 Words  | 8 Pages Bernadette Stafford Rough Draft April 29, 2015 Native American Gangs Prior to European colonization, North America was home to up to ten million indigenous people with distinct cultures and hundreds of languages. Within 500 years the population was halved through disease and genocide. Today, Native American’s make up 5.2 million or 2% of the US population. This population has suffered the trauma of genocide, dislocation, poverty and oppression mostly through policies and confrontations with theRead MoreGeneral Understanding Of History And Colonization Of Native Americans Essay2321 Words  | 10 PagesCarissa Riemers Alex Ghebregzi AMIN 1003 December 1st, 2016 Reflection Paper Prior to this course, I had a general understanding of the history and colonization of Native Americans. Coming from a family that celebrates our Native American culture, I knew that it was my responsibility to accept and embrace who I was and share my knowledge with others. My family is from the Pine Point community of the White Earth reservation; growing up I was always sure to listen to the stories of my elders and understand
Sunday, December 15, 2019
My inspiration to go into medicine Free Essays
People never want to become doctors. They strive towards the goal of being one. Perhaps the process of healing awakens a hidden potential for answering the mysteries of life; or provides some form of protection for the pilgrim that had himself couthed into the sheath of white: either way the attractions of medicine are undeniably numerous. We will write a custom essay sample on My inspiration to go into medicine or any similar topic only for you Order Now What, then, of reputation or the great self-devouring love for humanity? What of saving others and finding significance in one’s own existence? All superficial! As undergraduates, we are driven by absolute inquiries into the depths of knowledge to recover fragments of our lives. Where do we fit into the puzzle of life? That’s the question. I have an image to maintain: in front of others and in front of myself. My father is a renowned pediatrician back home in New Zealand. I used to stalk him to his workplace and follow him around all through the singular years of my childhood. Not that I particularly liked staying in the hospital or anything. As a matter of fact, I despised hospitals. The scent of sterility, driven by the notion of vacuumed air straight from the void; the faded color of those walls dressed to match in uncunning fashion; and the ethereal atmosphere of the admission halls grazing through the clarity of perception as if to enforce its own presence. Ugh! But to weigh out all of these, I had a doctor’s magic! (I mean this in a strictly in a figurative sense for no matter how much of a rogue that institution turned to the normal rules of a civilized, everyday society, it had no magic there. Certainly not my father. He was a serious character, always in motion, wearing a frown and a deliberate mask of indifference. He wasn’t particularly liked by the nurses or popular among the patients, either. But he did have remarkable powers for comforting people. Whether cheeky brats, angry rebels or crybabies; my father ticketed them all through the examination roll until they were shipped back to their quarters. His executions were perfect and timely, as he never ran out of tricks to pull from the pockets of his lab coat. The essential part of the battle is to win them over,†he always used to say, So, yes, I have an image to maintain. An infolding of personality I wish to develop into the outside world. Like a newborn, it chides and kicks to be let out, and though I realize fatherly affection is still beyond me in this immature state, I want to bring this child to the world. I believe becoming a doctor is the only answer to this immortal call, and for this reason I hope to study medicine in  university. Tracing the steps I used to take in the hospital dorms, more vivid impressions surface to my mind. I remember the time when, lost in between the labyrinth of curves and swings in the hospital, I perceived the shadow of my father’s coat- just a sliver of its sheath, impressing me with such overpowering impulses. I didn’t doubt it for a moment. I followed that formless ghost until its sheath materialized in my slight grasp. Unable to control myself, I sobbed and cried: painfully†¦ shamelessly†¦ until I was completely relieved. I remember fighting by my father’s side against no worthier adversary than himself: latching myself unto him to keep him from leaving. The staff had to tear me apart from him. At that moment, I had a premonition that I might never see my father again. I cried for him to come back, but he disappeared into the bright light beyond the door at the end of the hallway. The door at the end of the hallway was big, scary; its windows were blurred; and the stripes that clambered over its bulk seemed to have forsaken all hope of stretching back to its point of origin. It really was a magnificent light and my father approached it with such a look of importance as I’ll never forget. It was priceless! The melodramatic setting; the overdramatized characters; and my utter stupidity: â€Å"I still have long ways to go,†this memory always reminds me. This child has something to share with you all. If I’m given a chance, I’m sure the prayer will be fulfilled. Teach me the secret beyond that light. Help me cross that door I daren’t cross as a fledgling. Show me I can be better. How to cite My inspiration to go into medicine, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Referencing And Plagiarism
Question: Write an essay on Referencing And Plagiarism? Answer: Correct referencing actually is cornerstone of every academic task. It provides due credit towards authors of several sources that one might has used within his/her study, plus demonstrating the understanding as well as familiarity with resources. Also referencing is the way of properly acknowledging books, papers as well as other published plus unpublished materials which one has used at the time of researching of the essay or the report. The acknowledgment is made twice. Once within body of the text and then with the entire details at end of the work within the reference list otherwise the bibliography (Jongeling and Peel, 1991). APA is abbreviation of American Psychological Association. This referencing is in fact based on style of the academic writing that is favored by APA. APA referencing determines style as well as format of the referencing, which is the way in which references are actually written. Such referencing uses the reference list as well as in-text citations for acknowledging and also identifies the sources (Lipson, 2006). Harvard system also has been till date adopted as preferred style of referencing by several firms however one must always check style of the referencing which is needed before submission of particular work (Uelsmann, Alberro and Alter, 2003). Both the references are important as a good referencing actually helps in avoiding plagiarism through acknowledging source of the idea otherwise argument and also supports claims within ones text through adding credibility and weight age to the arguments provided in the work. It also enables reader to properly locate sources that one has used within the work (Neville, 2010). Plagiarismis "wrongful misuse" plus "stealing as well as publication" of some author's "language, concepts, thoughts, ideas, otherwise expressions" plus representation of the same as ownreal work. The concept remains very problematic with the unclear definitions as well as unclear rules of plagiarism. Plagiarism is also consideredas academic dishonestyplus as the breach ofthe journalistic ethics. This is the topic to sanctions such as penalties, explusion and even suspension (Opperman, Chon and Cai, 1998). There are several forms of plagiarism. One is the direct plagiarism which is word-for-word copy of the section of some others work, devoid of attribution as well as without any quotation marks. Second is the self plagiarism which takes place when any student presents his/her own earlier work, otherwise mixes the parts of some previous tasks, without the permission fromtheprofessors that are involved (Small, 2010). Next is the mosaic plagiarism which takes place when any student makes use of the phrases from any source with no use of quotation marks, otherwise finds synonyms intended for authors language at the time of keeping to same universal structure as well as meaning of original work. Last but not the least is the accidental plagiarism that occurs when any person actually neglects to properly cite the sources, otherwise misquotes their own sources, or even accidentally paraphrases the source through using similar words, and groups of the words, or even sentence arrangement witho ut the attribution. The real penalty of the plagiarism could also be private, and professional, principled, as well as even legal. With the detection of the plagiarism software which is so willingly obtainable plus is in the exercise, plagiarists also are getting instantly wedged at very upsetting rate.Some outcomes of the copying include can be as destroyed reputation of the student because plagiarism allegations could anyhow cause the student to get suspended otherwise expelled. Also his/her academic record could even reflect ethical offense, perhaps causing apprentice to get banned from inflowing college right from the high school otherwise some other college (Yu and Li, 2009).. Plagiarism can even destroy reputation of a professional, a business person, a politician; otherwise a public figure. Not just will they probably get fired otherwise asked to anyhow step down right from present position, yet they might find it hard to attain some other respectable job. Plagiarism is such an offence that can e ven hamper a persons academic reputation. Once scarred along with plagiarism, an academics entire career can actually get ruined. Publishing also is the integral part and parcel of the impressive academic career. For losing the capability to publish the most probable means end of the academic position plus an entirely destroyed status. There even can be legal repercussions of plagiarism. Copyright regulations and laws are also absolute. No one can use any other persons tasks and material without proper citation as well as referencing. Monetary Repercussions are another outcome of plagiarism because several news reports as well as articles have actually exposed plagiarism issues by the journalists, researchers, authors and also public figures (Stuhmcke, 2001). In such case where some author sues the plagiarist, author might be granted some monetary restitution. References Jongeling, S. and Peel, G. (1991). Referencing guide. Perth, W.A.: Division of Academic Programmes, Edith Cowan University. Lipson, C. (2006). Cite right. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Neville, C. (2010). The complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism. Maidenhead: Open University Press/McGraw Hill. Opperman, M., Chon, K. and Cai, L. (1998). Citation, referencing and ethics. Tourism Management, 19(3), pp.195-197. Small, H. (2010). Referencing through history: how the analysis of landmark scholarly texts can inform citation theory. Res. Eval., 19(3), pp.185-193. Stuhmcke, A. (2001). Legal referencing. Sydney: Butterworths. Uelsmann, J., Alberro, A. and Alter, N. (2003). Referencing art. Tucson: Nazraeli Press. Yu, G. and Li, Y. (2009). Identification of referencing and citation processes of scientific journals based on the citation distribution model. Scientometrics, 82(2), pp.249-261.
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