Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Literacy And The Classroom Environment - 791 Words
Educators are charged with not only teaching the content of their subject, but also responsible for creating a learning environments that fosters communication, engagement, and reflection so that the students will be prepared for their future careers and learning. Creating a classroom that fosters reading and writing is one way to engage students while promoting that they reflect on the material and communicate their understanding or misconceptions of the content. In order to form a literacy-rich classroom educators need to increase the amount of time students interact with all forms of print and literacy and the classroom environment is an essential key to setting the precedent and model behaviors that will make students more successful and capable of high level learning. (Tyson, 2013) To build a classroom that is literacy-rich I would need to include materials that no only align to the curriculum, but also encourage students to practice reading and writing skills. In addition to my content posters and anchor charts, I would like to integrate a more interactive word wall through the idea of images and examples of the words rather that a static list. Additionally, I want to increase my student access to digital media and will be using my classroom student computers to make this happen. Furthermore, my key goal this year is to start a classroom library. Currently, I have cleaned out an entire section of my classroom bookshelf to go towards this endeavor. I only have a fewShow MoreRelatedLiteracy Rich Environment For Early Childhood Classrooms821 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction The article, Literacy-Rich Environments, by The Access Center, informs the reader on the several ways to create a literacy rich environment for early childhood classrooms. Literacy development needs to be supported from the very beginning of a child’s life. Due to culture, some students will enter school without any prior knowledge of literacy (The Access Center, 2007). It is the duty of the educator to facilitate literacy development, and provide students with an environment full of opportunitiesRead MoreThe Purpose Of The Study Was To Examine The Quality Of1200 Words  | 5 Pagesexamine the quality of the literacy environment in inclusive early childhood special education (ECSE) classroom. There was two focuses in the study. The first, was to describe the quality of the literacy environment in terms of the structure and instruction. This includes book materials, print and writing materials. The other focus was to examine the interrelationship among teacher and classroom factors and quality of the structural literacy of the literacy environment. The importance of the structuralRead MorePurpose. The Purpose Of The Study Was To Examine The Quality877 Words  | 4 Pagesexamine the quality of the literacy environment in inclusive earl childhood special education (ECSE) classroom. There was two focuses in the study. The first, was to describe the quality of the literacy environment on terms of the structure and instruction. This includes book materials, print and writing materials. The other focus was to examine the interrelationship among teacher and classroom factors and quality of the structural literacy of the literacy environment. The importance of the structuralRead MoreIndigenous Literacies And Aboriginal English1461 Words  | 6 Pagesa teacher to recognise Indigenous literacies and Aboriginal English in your classroom? It is vital for teachers to recognise indigenous literacies and aboriginal English in all classrooms as it builds a sense of equality and a non-discriminating environment. As a future teacher I believe that it is my role to create a classroom that mirrors these key factors, as it will build the foundations for a nourishing learning environment. This type of learning environment will aid in linking the students parentsRead More Teaching Students Ecological Literacy In the Secondary English Classroom1696 Words  | 7 PagesTeaching Students Ecological Literacy In the Secondary English Classroom In todays world, we are bombarded with industry, economic advancement, and progressivism with new technology. As our world becomes more high tech and produces more products for our consumer world, we may soon face many environmental problems, due to our over-consumption of resources and our excessive, industrial lifestyles. Within all curriculums, I find it highly important to address these issues concerningRead MoreStandards for Teaching in the Modern Classroom1411 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the last century literacy and the definition of being literate has changed and evolved. No longer are teachers at an advantage by creating curriculums based on traditional lessons of ‘reading and ‘writing’. One must now incorporate every day language, and cultural influences, including technology to enhance the learning experience (Callow, 2011). Within the classroom, context and it’s various forms are highlighted (McDonald, 2013), and children are b enefiting greatly from the allowanceRead MoreEssay on Critical Literacy and Pedagogy1412 Words  | 6 Pagesget our knowledge through, critical literacy is a valuable tool and ability that should be recalled and available for all readers. More specific, it should be transferred by teachers to students in all educational environment. It is an important ability for students to have towards texts. And redefining texts to any devices or materials that we are getting the knowledge from, is the first step toward understanding critical literacy. Beside how critical literacy spreads the awareness of looking atRead MoreUnderstanding a Literacy-Rich Environment1769 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿What is a literacy-rich environment? A literacy rich environment is essential for any emerging reader. Emerging literacy reflects childrens natural growth and awareness of print in the environment (Genisio Drecktrah, 1999, p. 227) and therefore the environment has to contain suffient enough manifestations of this print and other literacy material presented in an attractive way without overwhelming the child. Clearly, literacy-rich environments are of value. They allow children to practiceRead MoreThe Role of Multicultural Literature Essay1213 Words  | 5 Pagesno knowledge of English before entering the school environment. According to the National Center of Educational Statistics (2013), an estimated 4.7 million or ten percent of the public school population are ELL students (NCES 2013). When formally entering the classroom for the first time, and depending on their prior experience with English, there are many ELL students who have a difficult time fitting into the American context of their classroom due to cultu ral conflicts and language barriers (HakutaRead MoreMultimodal Literacy And The Classroom935 Words  | 4 PagesWhen dealing with the education of literacy it is easy to saturate the children with information that is only apparent to a certain percentage of the cohort. Using a multimodal based literacy plan allows for the median in which the information is delivered to be a lot more accessible to a greater percentage of the classroom. Multimodal literacy is one that is apparent in multi-facets of teaching fields and can be implicated into the classroom without the teacher being aware. Understanding the full
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Rights And Social Justice - 1735 Words
Introduction: Many of us cannot go a whole day without having a single meal, and if one does, it would make it extremely difficult for one to find the energy and ability to focus on school or work. But for many, not having food and finding it is part of their everyday struggle (â€Å"30 Hour Famine Team,†2011). Many around the world and in America, may not think that in the United States alone there were 15.3 million children who lived in food-insecure households in 2014 (â€Å"Feeding America,†2016). This makes the job of social workers difficult because it is very devastating to watch children go hungry. In our group presentation, the main topic we chose that relates to human rights and social justice is, child hunger, my paper will be focused on the contributions I presented. Human rights/ social justice issue: As developing social work professionals, the National Association of Social Workers (2016) discusses that; we are established through social change in order to ensure that all people maintain equal access to the resources and opportunities that allow them to meet their basic needs (â€Å"NASW,†2016). There are millions of children who are living in food-insecure homes that go unrecognized. Food-insecure as mentioned in America Psychological Association (2016) means that, â€Å"at some point during the year, the household had limited access to an adequate supply of food due to lack of money or other resources†(para. 2). This creates a human rights issue because according to theShow MoreRelatedHuman Rights And Fights For Social Justice Essay1633 Words  | 7 Pagesadvanced generalist practitioner to conduct research in order to engage in meaningful social work practice. This essentially means that someone who engages in advanced g eneralist practice is someone who incorporates various theories and methodologies into research and assessment to create a meaningful practice that advances human rights and fights for social justice. Research can mean everything to a social justice issue in terms of expanding knowledge and aiding in helping a particular cause. WithoutRead MoreSocial Justice And The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights1148 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Social justice is a long debated subject that continues to prove controversial and divisive all over the world. Opinions on what constitutes social justice vary on a continuum from more conservative opinions which note individual responsibility to a more liberal stance which promotes a moral responsibility to support social equality (Mapp, 2008). Despite the varying opinions of what establishes social justice, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) serves as the first stepRead MoreHistorical Events, Trends, Human Rights, Social, And Economic Justice2332 Words  | 10 PagesIntroduction The following generational interview was conducted with my co-worker in early childhood intervention, the purpose of this essay is discuss historical events, trends, human rights, social and economic justice, social environment and human behavior over the last sixty-years. In order to discuss some of these socio-political trends and culture, a series of interview questions was asked in regards to P. Fields personal experiences from the early 1940’s to now. The individual of my choiceRead MoreConsidering Rawls Assumption That The Main Body Responsible For Distributing The Rights Essay1317 Words  | 6 PagesConsidering Rawls assumption that the main body responsible for distributing the rights and duties in the society are the institutions, it is important to define what are the rights and duties that the institutions are responsible for guaranteeing. According to Miller (1999, p. 7) the advantages, or rights that should be distributed by the institutions are the following: money and commodities, property, jobs, education, medical care, child benefits and child care, personal security, housing, transportationRead MoreOverlapping Priorities And Goals Of Hre, Gce And Sje980 Words  | 4 Pagesintertwine ‘old and ‘new’ education programs and creating this overlap in priorities. Having this in mind, recall that under the UDHR, HRE was meant to make students aware of their international rights, and how to claim them. Thus, initially, in the 1950s HRE was a way to dissipate knowledge about human rights, however, over time, this view evolved. During the 1990s there was an increase of intra-state war due to inter-ethnic and sectarian conflicts, hence the U.N. expanded the goals of HRE to includeRead MoreJustice, Harmony, And Virtue1437 Words  | 6 Pagesconcept of justice is mainly based on the rights and roles of individuals living in any organized society. Justice seeks to ensure a healthy relationship between individuals on issues such as the resolution of conflicts and fair deals. People may perpetuate wrong or suffer because other people’s actions. People are subject to punishments and penalties or protected and given restitution depending on what justice requires of them. Justice is an interpersonal issue that seeks to uphold the right and theRead MoreComparison Of American And Chinese Legal Culture1609 Words  | 7 PagesComparison of American and Chinese legal culture Abstract: The legal culture is a national, regional or national basis in certain social and material conditions, the state power by the creation of a common legal system constraints and determine the status of the legal system of values and attitudes in the whole society and culture. Thus, each country has its own unique legal culture. By selecting the most typical American and Chinese legal cultures of two different aspects: the legal standard, comparativeRead MorePoverty, Equity, Human Rights, And Health1390 Words  | 6 PagesBraveman and Gruskin, in their 2003 paper offer a review of the established cycle of poverty, equity, human rights, and health with an overview of the links between them; the history of past global efforts; and five recommendations to the health sector to focus its resources to gain maximum impact. Their paper stands on the shoulders of well-established research and theory. It is well established that there is a link between poverty and poor health, including decrea sed morbidity and mortality (IrwinRead MoreSocial Injustice : A Devastating And Crippling Effect On Persons948 Words  | 4 Pages Social injustice can have a devastating and crippling effect on persons, both physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Injustice carries with it the potential to trigger life events that negatively affect individuals’ health, lifestyle, and relationships with family members, friends, and the workplace (Hays Erford, 2014). Currently, in the United States, there are many and more individuals and groups who struggle to overcome past and present prejudices in the areas of housing, educationRead MoreMartin Luther King’S Vision For Beloved Community Stands1252 Words  | 6 Pagesdesire for human harmony, transcending the lines of racial, ethnic, cultural, gender, and social stratification. It aims to acknowledge and respect the imago Dei, rather than objectify the human individual. It shouts for the display of justice at, both, the local and global landscapes. The call for justice i.e., social justice, dominates conversational points throughout the media, town- hall meetings, demonstrations, and Sunday sermons. There remains, however, an affiliated point of justice rarely considered
English 100 is a course that is basically designed to assist the students Free Essays
English 100 is a very important course as far as our college education is concerned. It is the basic foundation for our higher education. It equips us with skills which help us to cope with the challenges which we are bound to encounter as we pursue our college education. We will write a custom essay sample on English 100 is a course that is basically designed to assist the students or any similar topic only for you Order Now English 100 is a course that is basically designed to assist the students to develop critical writing and reading skills. It is a build up for what we learned in the high school only this time we are required to adapt to a college way of thinking. To be a successful student in this crucial course one must do things in the right way. In this paper I will take you through what you should do so that at the end of it all you can come out shining. It is based on my own experience as an English 100 student and also tips taken from the various  experts of this area. One of the biggest asset you have as a student is time, how you mange it will determine your destiny as a student as it will greatly influence your performance in this course and your studies in general. It is very important that you take control of your time as a student in this course. You should make a plan on how you are going to utilize your time as far as this course is concerned. You should prioritize the most urgent and important activities giving them ample time so that you can produce quality work which will earn you good grades. You will be given many assignments which will require your input, if you plan your time well late submission of papers will not affect you. Late submission is highly penalized and it is something you can easily avoid through managing your time properly. You should make a time table early enough allocating areas which you feel you are weak more time than the other to get enough time to tackle them. It is also important to allocate some time for interaction with your fellow students so that you can learn from them also. (Lannon, J 11 2006) Class attendance allows the student to have an interactive session with the instructors and the other students. You should make a point of attending the classes regularly to ensure you gain maximally .If by any chance miss any lesson make sure you ask what was covered and go through it before the next session. Through this you ensure that you at no any time   you lag behind in your studies. While in class you should participate actively without fear of making mistakes. It is only through making these mistakes that you will learn to be confident. We all learn from the mistakes we make now and then, just bear in mind nobody is perfect. If your fellow colleagues we perfect surely you would not be seated in the same class with them learning this course, they would be somewhere else. It is also very important that you learn to respect other people opinions; at no time should you laugh at other people mistakes as this can affect your studies negatively. This is a very interactive course where you will learn greatly from the other, that is why you should at all cost try to maintain good relations with your fellow students and also with the instructors. (Lannon, J 18 2006) Instructors are there for us and we should make every effort to utilize them to our advantage. Any difficulties that you may be experiencing should be discussed with your instructor. Always book an appointment with your instructor to avoid disappointment since there are other students who require the same kind of help from them. Group work has helped me a lot in polishing my writing skills as I have been able to get some vital tips from my fellow students. It is also in group work where your work can be read by the other student and get their opinion about it. On the other hand you will have a chance to go through their piece of work and offer advice where necessary.  Always give an honest opinion about your colleagues work but at the same time bearing in mind not to hurt their feelings as this may come to haunt you later. Note taking is an essential part of this course; it is advisable that you develop an accurate method of taking notes which can be referred to later when revising. Aim at noting all the important points you come across either in the cause of group discussion or class lectures. (Lannon, J 39 2006) How to cite English 100 is a course that is basically designed to assist the students, Papers
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